Sound installation art and the intervention of urban public space in Latin America




This paper explores the relationship between sound installation art and the appropriation of urban public spaces in Latin America. Latin America is a continent full of contrasts, and in various places throughout the countries, space refl ects the history of each nation through its architecture. We fi nd pre-Hispanic pyramids coexisting with colonial churches and modern buildings. In the last two decades, these sites have been used for purposes other than those for which they were created. On the one hand, these spaces have been used to provide cultural experiences for people in areas that cannot access traditional venues such as concert halls. On the other hand, political manifestations have adopted such places as icons of social change, and sound has been used to provide a social/cultural meaning, using the space as a medium. These activities have changed the ways in which audiences and creators relate to sound and space. This research paper explores how sound art and technology have been used to re-formulate public space in cities. The study analyses the strategies of major works and installations (that have used space as a medium of creation over the last twenty years in Latin America) from social and spatial perspectives. This paper highlights the potential of sound installation art and intervention of space as a way to engage audiences in urban contexts.

Author Biographies

Mario Alberto Duarte-García, PhD, The National Autonomous University of Mexico

PhD, Associate Professor in Music & Artistic Technology, ENES Morelia, The National Autonomous University of Mexico

Emma Wilde, PhD, The National Autonomous University of Mexico

Lecturer in Music & Artistic Technology

ENES Morelia, The National Autonomous University of Mexico


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How to Cite

Duarte-García, M. A., & Wilde, E. (2021). Sound installation art and the intervention of urban public space in Latin America. SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 10(1), 107–124.